Latest Group News

January 2024 - Grant Success!
The group has been awarded a 3-year EPSRC New Investigator Award to investigate the conformational dynamics of prototypical molecuclar machines in lipid membranes.
Funded PDRA and PhD opportunities are available to work on this project. See the Join Us page for more details!

March 2022 - Grant Success!
The group has been awarded a 1-year Royal Society Research Grant
This grant will fund preliminary research into the development and study of stimuli-responsive assemblies in lipid bilayers.

January 2022 - Grant Success!
The group has been awarded a 2-year Research Endowment Trust Fund (RETF) from the University of Reading!
This grant will fund preliminary research into the development of stimuli-responsive polymer membranes

October 2021 - New group members
The group welcomes its first PhD student Robert O'Toole, who joins us from the University of York.
We also welcome undergraduate researchers Sophia Francis, Anisa Mirchi and Navpreet Dhaliwal.

July 2021 - Laurie Neasham starts her summer project in the group
We welcome Laurie to the group as our first researcher! She will spend six weeks in the group working on the synthesis of stimuli-responsive assemblies.

July 2021 - Grant Success!
The group has been awarded a 12-month Research Enablement Grant from the Royal Society of Chemistry!
This grant will fund preliminary research into the development of stimuli-responsive assemblies for use in lipid bilayers.

January 2021
James gives a presentation entitled 'What does the Future Hold for Molecular Machines?' at the launch of the Foresight Institute's Molecular Machines Group.
You can watch the presentation here. James will be chairing monthly seminars held by the Molecular Machines Group, which seek to identify future challenges and drive progress in this research area.
Applications to participate the Molecular Machines Group are welcomed. Apply here.

December 2020
James has been awarded a 2021 Foresight Fellowship by the Foresight Institute. His title will be '2021 Foresight Fellow in Transmembrane Molecular Nanotechnology'.
During the one-year program, Fellows will be invited to engage in events, connect to Fellows and mentors, and increase their skills to succeed in their endeavours.

September 2020
James joins the University of Reading as a Lecturer in Organic Chemistry.
The Cooper research group opens for business! Please see the Join Us page for potential research opportunities.